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Chapter 0: Forgiven and Set Free Introduction

A preview of the Forgiven and Set Free bible study for abortion healing.


Why a preview of Forgiven and Set Free?

It can take time to get to the point of joining a healing group. Abortion is devastating and can leave you in shock wondering what to do next, fearful of the ramifications, and locked in shame so as to never tell anyone what you have done. Shock, fear, and shame, are powerful forces in our lives often addressed only when controlling the emotions becomes overwhelming and wearisome. In that day, a woman will decide she can no longer live with the recurring, out-of-control emotions and seek help from others.

We are putting this introduction together to help you on that journey. Working through the introduction material you will gain a good taste of the content of the bible study, what types of discussions can take place, and hopefully you will receive enough truth to layer a soothing balm in order to bring a measure of calm and peace to your wounded soul until that day you determine to sign up for a group and go deeper where healing is complete.

The introduction is designed to meet you right where you are at, whether in the middle of a sleepless and anxious night, or during a day of confusion and trouble working through how you feel.

We pray you receive some answers to the questions swirling in your heart, that you learn how beautiful the study is, that you become introduced to God in the midst of your shame and regret, and ultimately you begin to hope that your future has promise, God can use you, and healing is possible.

Founder and President

Mindy Lefaucheur

Mindy has been working in pro-life ministry doing abortion recovery groups for 9 years. She has walked the hard path from brokenness to freedom and has walked many women down this same journey to a deeper faith with God.

Mindy Lefaucheur
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