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Does the mercy of God end at abortion?

peaceful place

“You made your bed, now you have to sleep in it!”

Have you ever heard this or thought this about yourself? Is that God’s heart toward sin?

If it were His heart, He’d have told Adam and Eve, in the garden, “Sorry kids, you made your bed by listening to the serpent, did what I told you not to do, now you must lay in that bed, good luck with that.”

Imagine if God actually said this, where would we be today?

God didn’t reprimand them and walk away. He provided atonement for them in the form of an animal sacrifice. They once were naked with shame. The shame of their nakedness was the consequence of their sin (disobedience). They tried to cover themselves with fig leaves. Can you imagine how scratchy that would’ve felt?

God presented the first sacrifice in order to cover their nakedness. An unmerciful God would’ve let them suffer in their fig leaves, suffer in their confusion, suffer endlessly until they did something to change His mind. This is the way of other gods in this world.

Not so with the Lord of lords, this is not the heart or way of the God of the universe.

He made them soft clothing. He understood that their nakedness would be a constant reminder of their sin and disobedience. He knew nakedness would cause constant shame.

Now, did they have reminders? Yes! They had to now wear clothes, they were banished from the garden to toil with weeds and thorns from the ground, and most notably their relationship with God would change dramatically. God knew how the changes would affect them so He created soft, tender clothing that would also remind them of His grace, of His love, of His mercy, and of His promises. As a result of their sin, they now needed a Savior from their condition. He foretold that such a Savior would come. A Savior who would pay the ultimate sacrifice to free them from their sinful condition.

As a result of this, generation after generation looked for this Savior.

Today we know Him as Jesus.

He lived a sinless life, came with the purpose of being our atoning sacrifice so all who look to Him would/will be saved.

Your sin is not too big for the saving love of Christ. He said, “All who are weary and heavy-laden come to Me and I will give you rest. For My burden is easy and My yoke is light.” He wasn’t speaking to those who are laboring for His name, who “have it altogether”. He came for the sick (the spiritually sick person) not the well person. Sin makes us sick.

Have you had an abortion and now it makes you sick? Literally? It also makes you sick spiritually. And not just the sin of abortion. The sin of gossip, fornication, lust, lying, pride, murder, being unthankful. There is no sin bigger than another in God’s eyes.

All are equal at the cross. There is no man on this earth or has ever been on this earth that has lived a sinless, perfect life except Jesus. He came for you and me.

After three abortions I told myself, “You’ve made your bed, you have to lay in it.” I resigned to a miserable life and existence. Then Jesus entered my life, Jesus helped me see what I was blind to previously, Jesus extended His hand to pull me out of the pit I made my bed in. He had pity on me because I was so wretched. My abortions weren’t the only sin I had committed in my life. There were many: sexual promiscuity, drinking till I couldn’t remember things, lying, stealing, gossiping, hatefulness, ungratefulness, and the list could go on and on.

I was a wretch!

The good news is the in the amazing grace of Jesus Christ. He paid the debt I owed. Do you know the song?

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I’m found, was blind but now I see.

Yes, I was/am the wretch in the song. That truth no longer brings me disparity; it brings me great joy. Because I know God’s mercy does not have an end. I know this because when I made my bed in hell He was there. He came for me.

He saved me! And He wants to save you.

Salvation is for everyone who calls on the name of Jesus. Call on His name today and see the miracle of new life He will place in your heart. God's mercy extends to all who call on His name even to those who choose abortion.



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