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Shame is a Bully

bullying and shame

Imagine you are at the playground with a little toddler aged child. You help her onto the swing and push her high, but not too high. You get on the merry-go-round and spin with her until you are dizzy. That merry-go-round didn’t affect her at all. She is off and running as soon at the ride stops. You, on the other hand, are still swirling about. You choose to sit and watch her play in the sand or chase other children while you take a break to allow your vision and brain a moment to stop spinning.

A larger child, obviously too large to play with your sweet little one, approaches her. You see the larger child begin to bully and shame your child, but you are still spinning so you wait another second or two hoping the bully will tire of your child and go about his business. He remains and your child cowers, she is unable to stand against this giant person.

There is no more time to wait for your world to stop spinning; you need to step in. The bully is bigger than your child but significantly smaller than you. It will only take you stepping behind and towering over him. He will flee and you will swoop your precious little one into the safety of your arms and head home.

Hebrews 12:2

…looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Did you catch that?

Jesus endured the cross, despising the shame. The bully in our lives often lives in our minds, whispering sinister half-truths, relishing our demise. Shame is a bully. Often, we fear shame from others, but the reality is we spend a great deal of time shaming ourselves, especially those of us who have abortions in our past. When we sin against God, and abortion is sin, shame enters our world. Shame whispers to us, “You are worthless, look what you did!”

Jesus took our sin upon Himself at the cross. He did it out of love. He despises the shame our sin causes us. He scorned (thinks little of) it so much He paid the price of our sin debt; He the perfect sinless, sacrifice for our sin before a holy God.

When shame bullies us, Jesus stands behind it, just as the mom in the story above, and shame has to flee. Truth and lies don’t mix. Light and dark repel one another.

But did you catch the joy in that verse? For the joy that was set before Him. What or who is His joy? We are!  You and me! Shame may be a bully, but Jesus is bigger. He came and despised our shame, standing in the gap so we can have a relationship with Him. And this is the good news we all long for.

One of the greatest ways to heal from past abortions is learning to put shame in its place. If you are saved, call yourself a Christian, profess Jesus as your Lord then all that is needed is that you believe what the bible says is true. It is hard work to change your thought patterns but take it from me, once you do, you’ll discover, as I did, that there is very little shame from others. Most of the shame you endure is concocted in your own mind or whispered from the Deceiver.

You can learn how to overcome shame and be free. Read that post and/or contact us. We will help you journey to shame-free living where there is healing and peace.

Trust in Jesus. He is the way, the truth, and the life. The truth shall set you free!



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