Why Didn’t God Stop Me From Having An Abortion?
Testimonies, Blogs, & Other Things
The blog is the testimonies of participants who have experienced freedom from the shame of abortion, various thoughts on various topics, and leaders perspectives after completing a group.
Restoring Motherhood after Abortion
I've been through abortion healing, why is this bothering me now?
I never thought about abortion as an option.
Can Abortion Result in Trauma?
How abortion affects a marriage
Confidence and Life
I Want Freedom From My Past Abortion
As God would have it. …. One Man’s Story of Healing After an Abortion
Does the mercy of God end at abortion?
How Can I Forgive Myself after Abortion?
Shame is a Bully
Can I Continue My Pregnancy After Taking the Abortion Pill?
Abortion Healing at 60
Humbled by Reality
Overcoming the Shame of Abortion
I Am Not My Abortion
Testimony Juliene Mulani on healing from an abortion
Testimony C.N. on healing after an abortion
Testimony K.B.P.